Kumpulan Software Gratis | Windows XP PROG (Professional Gamer) Sp3 Rev 0.05 | Has developed a new operating system modification. With features and excellent stability.
-Based On Windows Xp Sp3 MSDN RTM VLK (activated)
First Boot-Ram "Without driver" installed "45MB" (45MB +1.5 mb "Task Manager" = 46.5mb)
Handle Processes By CPU-only "14"
Boot-time only "14sec"
-Intregated WMP 11
-FULLY SUPPORT LASTEST CPUs AMD X6 X6 {full support cpu intel / amd}
{Support the use of SATA hard drives (sata desktop) with kapasaitas MORE THAN "2" terabyte}
(ALL Tested)
(Speed Boot Time is Depend Your Rig System)
-Software compatibility 4 of5
-Gaming Performance 5 of5
-Security Support 4 of5
-Network Support 2 of5
-Running on 800MHz CPU speed
-64mb Ram
-1GB of Hard Drive space
-8mb of VRAM
-Running on 1.8 Ghz Cpu
-Ram 128mb
-2gb of Hard Drive space
-16MB of VRAM
-Running on 2.4 ghz CPU
-Ram 256mb
-4gb of Hard Drive space
-32MB of VRAM
Running on CPU-3GHz
-Ram 512mb
-6GB of Hard Drive space
-64mb VRAM
-Improv stability "Online Gaming and Lan Gaming"
Enable the "Peer to Peer Gaming (lan gaming)"
Crass-free game (not by this os)
-Remove "Luna theme" (Because take more ram)
Classic log-on or off (for faster log on and shut down)
-Fixed Network "Error" Message
Rename the project to XP_PROG_Sp3_r.0.0.5
Can not use automatic DHCP-
Can not use data-sharing
-Can not use wifi (not suported for any notebook or desktop PC using any wifi)
-Issue keyboard pd pd quotes (") (solution = press sign" and then press space to bring up ")
-In task manager unknow user application runs in user but by default applications run by an administrator right
-Removed Old Hardware Driver
-Never run msconfig or your boot time will increase of (boot.ini backup solution)
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